The Goals of Learning (Master’s Program in Social Enterprise & Master’s Program in Social Enterprise (E/W) )
1. Each student should commit to the value of social benefits, facilitation, cooperation, and reciprocity.
2. Each student should be able to empathize with the social needs and apply entrepreneurial skills to transform social needs into mission, vision and social market opportunities.
3. Each student should cultivate capabilities in resource alignment and integration, and to apply information technologies and managerial skills to enhance organizational performance and social impact.
4. Each student should be able to understand social issues regarding globalization and sustainable development and to foster dialogue and cooperation for a better world.
International Student Admissions, Fu Jen Catholic University
Admission Evaluation:Documents Review
Additional Documents Required:
1. Autobiography.
2. Career plan.
3. Letters of recommendation. (optional)
4. Any other materials which may contribute to the application for admission.
Remarks:Most courses are taught in Chinese, so applicants should have good command of Chinese.
Contact:Ms. Su +886-2-2905-6458 LM309-2, 3rd floor, Ricci Hall (College of Management)
Scholarships: Government Scholarships Fu Jen Scholarships
Full-Time Students (Day): 1st Application (Oct.)

Full-Time Students (Day): 2nd Application (Jan.)

Full-Time Students (Evening and Weekend)

1. Master’s Program in Social Enterprise
2. Master’s Program in Social Enterprise (E/W)
Address:LM309-2, NO.510.Zhongzheng Rd., Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City 24205, Taiwan(R.O.C)
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